Strategic News Service is proud to announce a conversation with Dan Goldin, NASA’s longest-running administrator, and Peter Warren Singer, foreign policy expert and bestselling author of Ghost Ship and Burn-in, about China, the future of robotics and the international struggle to control 5G.
A Virtual Intelligence Session
Thursday, June 25, 2020
5:30-7:30pm ET • 2:30-4:30pm PT
Around the world, telecom companies are building out the next generation of communications infrastructure, but 5G isn’t just about the speed of our cellular connections. China is using Huawei 5G infrastructure as the backbone for its global Belt and Road initiative, pushing telecom equipment across Europe, and raising questions about its ability to use that infrastructure for surveillance and statecraft.
You’ll have the chance to ask speakers questions and network with speakers and fellow attendees. TAG members receive 20% off tickets with code FiReSideAP at checkout.