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TAGNW Service Corps PAID Internship Program relaunches for Fall 2022

By September 26, 2022TAGNW

Applications are now OPEN until filled for the TAGNW Service Corps PAID internship program! Service Corps serves two great needs in our community: PAID work-based learning experience for students and FREE technology services for small organizations serving the public.

Several internship positions are available NOW for Fall Quarter including: IT, Cybersecurity, Web Development, Data Analytics, Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, Multimedia, Cloud Computing, and Project Coordination. Review these opportunities and apply at the TAGNW Job Board.

Stay tuned for the launch of the TAGNW Volunteers program, which will connect experienced professionals in our community with the TAGNW Service Corps program to provide guidance for our interns and support our projects.

Please contact Leslie Brendible, TAGNW Program Coordinator, for any inquiries at leslie.brendible@tagnw.org or at the TAGNW Community Hub @Leslie Brendible with any questions!