TAGNW Mentorship Program Relaunched
FREE for TAGNW Members, including students, faculty, and staff of SVC, WCC, and WWU.
TAGNW is excited to announce the relaunch of TAGNW Mentorship! We invite all TAGNW Members to apply to participate in our simple, but powerful mentorship programs as we pair participating TAGNW Members based on personal and professional interests in separate Cohort, On-Demand, and Peer Mentorship programs. Applications are open until February 28th, with our program kickoff on the evening of Thursday March 10th!
For Cohort Mentorship, TAGNW matches participants in pairs in the traditional mentorship construct, with a junior and senior community member intelligently matched. Mentees and Mentors participate in two mentorship meetings per month for three months, plus a monthly cohort meeting highlighting program topics with special guest speakers. On-Demand Mentorship provides TAGNW Members access to a variety of experienced professional mentors available to assist with professional development topics as needed, i.e. on-demand. Peer Mentorship pairs participants based on general career status and professional development interests to explore professional development together, primarily for more experienced community members.
Please see the TAGNW Mentorship program page for more information, and to apply to participate. Join us at the TAGNW Community Hub to discuss professional development and other topics!
Gratis Individual and Student Memberships
TAGNW now offers Gratis Individual and Student Memberships for TAGNW Metallic Members, including all students, faculty, and staff of Skagit Valley College, Western Washington University, and Whatcom Community College! Please use your organization email address to claim your TAGNW Gratis Membership.
Technology Alliance Group for Northwest Washington (TAGNW) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Bellingham, WA focused on technology education and community engagement. We advocate for technology education, foster innovation, assist business, workforce, and economic development, and provide community for students, professionals, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and local government in Northwest Washington. We provide events, programs, and services to Strengthen our technology community, and serve our community with technology. Foremost, we build relationships and infrastructure in our community to do the things we do better together.
Please contact TAGNW, for any inquiries at president@tagnw.org, 360-312-7105, or via private message at the TAGNW Community Hub. We would love to hear from you.