First, for a bit of April Fools fun, please enjoy the announcement from Veritas Media Productions regarding an “important update on the future of their business”. It was fun to participate, and Veritas kindly promoted TAG and our mission. Thank you, Josh!
A few major items to communicate:
First, we have shared our Annual Meeting Highlights, including our Board of Directors election results (all returning Board Members are confirmed) as well as special recognition, an overview of our evolution since 2018, and a summary of our 2020 activity. Please review to get up to speed and come back…
Welcome back. It has been an incredible year!
In 2020 we began the formation of a new organization to focus on technology education, community engagement, and to better meet the needs of our community. Fantastic news! We have been approved as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Our mission: Develop and promote technology education in Northwest Washington. The 501(c)(6) organization will continue to represent our sponsor interests and hold major events throughout 2021. Thank you to all who have helped make this happen! Read the article.
We’re launching the TAG + Bellingham Codes Scholarship Fundraiser to collaborate with the Bellingham Codes community and raise funds to deliver scholarship donations for the 2021-2022 academic year. With our TAG Bash event cancelled last summer due to COVID, this special fundraising campaign allows us to complete our disrupted fundraising schedule and deliver scholarship donations NOW when they are so desperately needed. Please consider participating in this special fundraising campaign, and I dare say get excited for an in-person TAG Bash event in August. Hopefully we’ll all be vaccinated and ready to have some fun in support of a new year of scholarship fundraising.
Finally, we have established accounts with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) platforms such as YourCause to create new avenues of support via individual and employer match donations. Let us know if your organization uses a different platform. We would love your input on these topics as we explore new ways to engage in the community.
Thank you for all that you do!