Crystal Garcia, Executive Director, TAG NW
The Technology Alliance Group of Northwest Washington (TAG NW) is excited to welcome Crystal Garcia as its new Executive Director (ED).
Crystal Garcia is an entrepreneur and leader in technology, business, and nonprofit worlds. She has a BS from Louisiana Tech University and is currently working on her Master’s from Walden University. Crystal is the mother of 1 elementary and 2 high school students and has called Bellingham home for the last 10 years.
While working at Varvid, Crystal produced virtual and hybrid events for companies like Wizards of the Coast, Seagate, Redfin, and World Vision. She managed teams of live streaming and event technology professionals while working to bring gender equality to her production crews. Crystal ran a photography company for the last 16 years, serving local area schools with a modern take on traditional school photography.
In the nonprofit world, Crystal managed communications for a global non-profit organization, served on local Bellingham school boards, committees for the Bellingham School District, and several committees for TAGNW.
Meg Weber, Board President says:
“On behalf of the board of directors, I am delighted to welcome Crystal Garcia as the new executive director of TAGNW. Crystal has a deep and dynamic history with TAG as a dedicated volunteer and contributor. She deeply understands our organization’s values, strengths, and areas of opportunity. This intimate familiarity will equip Crystal to leverage our existing network of partners, volunteers, and supporters, to connect, engage and empower our tech community. She brings vibrancy, innovation, and fun. We look forward to leveraging the strengths of our bold history and to the bright future of TAGNW under her leadership.”
Crystal has been involved with TAG since 2017. She is excited to build inclusive community spaces for the local tech community, and to create meaningful events that give businesses, remote workers, students, and professionals a way to connect that is fun and inspiring.
“I look forward to reengaging our members, revamping our events and creating a post-pandemic strategy that reflects the values of our tech community for inclusion, innovation and economic growth.”