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TAG Annual Meeting 2021 announced for March 4th

By February 4, 2021TAGNW

Edit: Meeting resources are now available, including the TAG Annual Meeting 2021 Digital Agenda, Annual Survey, and Board of Directors Election Ballot.

We are happy to announce that the TAG Annual Meeting 2021 will be held virtually on March 4th @ 5:30pm-7:00pm. Please RSVP via Eventbrite.

All TAG Members are welcome to attend and participate via FREE RSVP, including all Gratis Members. Activities at our annual meeting include strategic goals presentation, strategic planning discussion, a highlight of community member efforts, and election of our Board of Directors for the next one year term. A digital agenda will be shared for review on March 1st.

Participation in the TAG Annual Meeting strategic discussion is the primary responsibility of the TAG Advisory Board, and all TAG Members are welcome to participate and provide input. Current TAG Leadership, including the Advisory Board, is displayed on our website at https://www.tagnw.org/leadership.

Interested to become a TAG Member, or need to renew your membership to participate? See our TAG Membership website page for details: https://www.tagnw.org/membership

Interested to serve on the TAG Board of Directors, Advisory Board, or one of our Committees? Please contact Michael Gan, Executive Director, at president@tagnw.org.


Technology Alliance Group for Northwest Washington (TAGNW) is a nonprofit organization located in Bellingham, WA. Our mission: Advocate for technology education, foster innovation, assist business, workforce, and economic development, and provide community for students, professionals, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and local government in Northwest Washington. We provide events, programs, and services to Strengthen Our Technology Community. Foremost, we build relationships and infrastructure in our community to do the things we do better together. Learn more at our website: tagnw.org.