How do I join or renew my TAG Membership?
Become a TAG Member and manage your membership status via our online membership system.
What types of TAG memberships are available?
There are several TAG membership levels to suit you and/or your business: Student, Individual, and Business (Any Number of Employees).
We also offer Individual and Business Memberships via various TAG programs, including TAG Community Partners, and TAG Metallic Membership benefits. C
Since my company is a TAG Business Member, does that mean that I am also a TAG Member?
We offer TAG Memberships included in tiers of our TAG Metallic Membership benefits. If your organization is a TAG Metallic Member, please contact us or your organization’s point of contact to establish your membership. Refer to our Sponsorship page for more details. Otherwise, please apply for your own Student or Individual Membership. In any circumstance, please register for the appropriate TAG Membership.
What are the requirements to be a TAG Student Member?
TAG offers a discount for student members for current full-time students of any accredited institution of higher education. Beginning in 2021, access to all TAG events and programs is included in TAG Student Membership. (Limited to availability.)
My business is a TAG Sponsor and we have TAG Memberships included in our sponsorship. How do I register as a TAG Individual Member and use of our memberships?
Arrangements will be made with your organization’s point of contact. Don’t know who that is? Feel free to contact us to determine. Otherwise hold tight — we will be launching onboarding processes to align with these new benefits.
My organization is interested to become a TAG Community Partner and receive free TAG Membership. How do we do that?
If you are a nonprofit organization with a mission of technology, education, and/or community engagement, please contact us to discuss.
Is TAG membership only for Whatcom County-based companies?
Any organization, regardless of location, is eligible to be a TAG Member.
Who should I talk to about any membership questions?
Please contact us with any inquiries.