TAGNW is a 501(c)(3) organization (EIN 85-2170683). Your donations are welcome, very much appreciated, and tax deductible. Donations are accepted via PayPal (preferred), personal or business check, and YourCause. Donations of $1,000 or more will be (at donor approval) co-named, including recognition at the event and/or program, and via our news and announcements. Ask us about starting an employer matching campaign at your organization to organize giving with your team!
Choose one of funds to direct your donation for specific use:
- TAGNW General Fund: Donations support our general operations, including management of our programs designed to build collaborations and create connections in support of a thriving tech community in Whatcom and Skagit County.
- TAGNW Student Fund: Donations support scholarships for technology students at our regional colleges, including BTC, NWIC, SVC, WCC, and WWU. See the TAGNW Bash Scholarship Fundraiser event for more information.
- TAGNW Individual Programs such as our jobs & gig board, one of our community groups, or our Lunch & Learns.
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