Whatcom IT Professionals
VirtualWhatcom IT Professionals is a meetup group geared toward local business IT professionals to grow, share and explore the technical side of the business while maintaining a social atmosphere...
Whatcom IT Professionals is a meetup group geared toward local business IT professionals to grow, share and explore the technical side of the business while maintaining a social atmosphere...
Join us for our virtual meeting of TAG Women in Tech with new organizer Andrea Frost for a open discussion May 6th at noon. ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION TAG Women in...
Grab your lunch and join us for TAG Cafeteria, our new Zoom Lunch on Wednesdays at Noon. We'll discuss happenings of the week, share community news and announcements, talk with...
May 13th will feature "Innovate with NWIRC" as we welcome Diane Kamionka and Lara Smith of Northwest Innovation Resource Center (NWIRC) and announce an exciting summer project that you won't...
Join us virtually for our TAG Cybersecurity May 2020 Meeting featuring Erik Fretheim of Western Washington University (WWU) as he presents Writing software that is secure by design. All are...
Join us virtually for our TAG Cybersecurity July 2020 Meeting with guest speaker Travis McEwen, Associate Professor at Whatcom Community College, as he presents Containers & Container Security. An overview...
Join host Andrea Grant for the monthly joint TAG Women in Tech and Northwest Tech Women virtual luncheon each 1st Monday at noon.
The TAG Cybersecurity August meeting features the presentation Life on the Red Team with Matt Shannon and James Kubli from Boeing. Join hosts David Hirsch and Carl Willis-Ford for TAG...
Join game host Alicia Williams for a bit of fun at TAG Games, a new monthly game night. We'll play an online game in video chat and weave in some...
A pizza lunch is included with your donation! Click here to register! Intrigued by the world of gig work in the tech industry? Whether you're a tech professional looking to...